
Michele Pinckard Hall driving a Tiki Boat in Key West

My name is Michele Pinckard Hall. I am a middle-aged mother of 3 adult sons and currently live in Houston, TX with 2 cats. When I was in 8th grade, my family moved from Texas to Ohio. That was a rough year, as no doubt you know: 8th grade girls are mean! I overcame and ultimately had a good time in high school. However, that experience gave me a heart for the loner. I understand what it’s like to be the outsider. Consequently, if I see someone sitting alone, I will typically try to engage them in conversation or invite them to join my group. Over the years, I’m sure there are people who thought, “All I wanted was some peace and quiet while I sat on this park bench and then this woman came up and started chattering at me!” But most of the time, it ends up being a pleasant encounter for both of us.

During my career at an advertising agency, I have traveled extensively and have had many interesting experiences and encounters with strangers. Like my father, I like to tell stories. I began sharing my stories and observations on Facebook a few years ago and received a lot of positive feedback. “I just love your stories!” Hence the title of the blog: “Michele Stories”. Some of the stories are funny and some are just observations. Therefore the tagline: “This is what I’m thinking about today”. The stories will always be positive and I hope will leave you with a smile.

And yeah! That’s me driving a tiki boat in Key West in January 2020. Life is an adventure!